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Dillon Christian School Job Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in Dillon Christian School positions for the 2025-2026 school year.

DCS Spanish Teacher

Dillon Christian School is currently seeking qualified applicants for a full-time, high school Spanish teacher. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Spanish or related field is required for the position. Teaching experience is desired. The position would encompass teaching courses in Spanish I, Spanish II, and Spanish III.
In addition, faculty and staff must be able to sign and defend Dillon Christian School’s Statement of Faith.

  • 1. We believe in personal salvation by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which He shed
    on the Cross of Calvary for remission of sins for all who believe.
  • 2. We believe that the entire Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God.
  • 3. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised bodily from the tomb and now sits at the Father’s right hand in heaven making intercession for all born again people.
  • 4. We believe that Christ will return bodily to call His church unto Himself.
  • 5. We believe in the eternal security of the born again believer.
  • 6. We believe that our God is the Triune God-one God, in three Persons. Additionally, salvation is the work of the Triune God. The Father sends the Son; the Son atones for sin; and the Spirit applies this atonement to us. The Spirit regenerates His people; thus, they trust in the Son alone; and the Son presents His people to the Father.

Interested parties should send their resume, letter of interest, and references to Mr. Brent Hardy at

CDL Drivers

Dillon Christian School is currently seeking qualified applicants for a CDL Driver. A CDL Driver’s Licenses with a passenger endorsement and clean driving record is required.

In addition, faculty and staff must be able to sign and defend Dillon Christian School’s Statement of Faith.

  • 1. We believe in personal salvation by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which He shed
    on the Cross of Calvary for remission of sins for all who believe.
  • 2. We believe that the entire Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God.
  • 3. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was raised bodily from the tomb and now sits at the Father’s right hand in heaven making intercession for all born again people.
  • 4. We believe that Christ will return bodily to call His church unto Himself.
  • 5. We believe in the eternal security of the born again believer.
  • 6. We believe that our God is the Triune God-one God, in three Persons. Additionally, salvation is the work of the Triune God. The Father sends the Son; the Son atones for sin; and the Spirit applies this atonement to us. The Spirit regenerates His people; thus, they trust in the Son alone; and the Son presents His people to the Father.

Interested parties should send their resume, letter of interest, and references to Mr. Brent Hardy at

If mailing, please send resume, letter of interest, and references to:

Attn: Mr. Brent Hardy, Head of School
Dillon Christian School
1325 Commerce Drive
Dillon, SC 29536